Wednesday, July 18, 2007

When do you modify Internet Message Formats?

"Internet Message Formats" does not affect the communication among MAPI mail clients within the same EXCHANGE ORGANIZATION.

When SMTP virtual server sends a MAPI message to an Internet client, it assigns a content type (MIME) to attachments based on the extension of the attachment file.

Right client the "Internet Message Formats", you can modify the MIME types used in your ORGANIZATION.

Control the "Message Formats" for Internet SMTP domain

We have three Internet SMTP Organizations: Study.COM, Delta.Com, and

Study.COM and Delta.COM use EXCHANGE SERVER 2003, whereas uses Unix Sendmail.

All the three Organizations are partners. All of them support Message Format of HTML and Plain text.

However, (Unix) will never use the Rich Exchange Format.

Only the communication among three Organizations is required to have the following features:
Allow Out of Office Response
Allow Automatic Reply
Allow Automatic Forward

We create two SMTP domains: and and modify the Advanced Message Format accordingly.

The default(*) SMTP domain matches all other domains.