I create a sharepoint farm with web application http://tlc-nifcs.dyndns.org/, which hosts in server nifcs-main.dyndns.org server.
Exchange2007 is installed in the same server.
How to enable OWA access the sharepoint?
Exchange Management Console -- Server Configuration -- Client Access --OWA --Properties
--Remote File Servers
--Allow button and add tlc-nifcs.dyndns.org
--Configure button and add tlc-nifcs.dyndns.org as internal domain suffix.
And then, from OWA -- docunments --open http://tlc-nifcs.dyndns.org/
I have a file server named as tlc25, which contends the companyFile shared folder.
I add the tlc25 computer name to Remote File Servers ALLOW list. From OWA, I can access it as long as the mail user has the permission.